

A TypeScript library that simplifies the process of interacting with the Google Sheets API, offering tools for reading and writing data with a Prisma-like syntax.


In a quest for an elegant solution to interact with the Google Sheets API, I encountered a challenge: the complexity of the API was like a dense forest, full of traps and winding paths.

As a developer, my goal has always been to simplify complex processes and make life easier for my fellow professionals. It was in this context that the inspiration for [Holysheets!(https://holy-sheets.github.io/) came about.

Tired of the difficulties encountered when trying to efficiently interact with Google Sheets, and having to memorize ranges like "Users!B1:M12", I had the idea to simplify all this using a syntax similar to Prisma, a tool I have always admired for its simplicity and effectiveness.

Thus, Holysheets!was born - a TypeScript library designed to drastically simplify interaction with Google Sheets.

But Holysheets!is more than just a technical solution. It is an expression of my commitment to helping other developers overcome daily challenges and achieve their goals more efficiently.

Why use Holysheets!

Ease of Use: Forget about understanding the complicated details of the Google Sheets API. With Holysheets! you can smoothly navigate your data without getting lost in complex code.

Improved Productivity: With clear and concise syntax, Holysheets!accelerates development, allowing you to focus on what really matters: your data.

TypeScript Support: Develop with confidence, leveraging the full power of TypeScript. Get benefits like static typing and IntelliSense for a smoother development experience.

Moreover, Holysheets!is an open-source project, fueled by the community and ready to help developers around the world simplify their integrations with Google Sheets.

So, if you are ready to uncover the Holy Grail of Google Sheets integrations, try Holysheets!today and simplify your developer life!


To start using Holysheets!in your project, follow these simple installation steps:

  1. Install the library via npm:

    npm install holysheets
  2. Import Holysheets!into your TypeScript file:

    import Holysheets!from 'holysheets';
  3. Initialize Holysheets!with your Google Sheets credentials:

    const hollySheets = new Holysheets!{
      spreadsheetId: 'spreadsheet-id',
      privateKey: credentials.private_key,
      clientEmail: credentials.client_email

Now you are ready to start using Holysheets!in your project!

Basic Usage

With Holysheets! you can perform various operations easily, including reading, writing, updating, and deleting data in your Google Sheets.

Reading Data

const userSheet = hollySheets.base<User>('Users');
const user = await userSheet.findFirst({
  where: {
    email: '[email protected]'

Writing Data

await userSheet.insert({
  data: {
    name: 'Jane Smith',
    email: '[email protected]',
    age: 30

Updating Data

await userSheet.updateFirst(
  { where: { name: { contains: 'Jane' } } },
  { data: { age: 31 } }

Deleting Data

await userSheet.deleteFirst({ where: { age: 31 } });

Clearing Data

Unlike deletion, clearing only removes the data from a row in the table, without removing the row itself.

await userSheet.clearMany({ where: { age: 31 } });

Advanced Features

Holysheets!offers a variety of advanced features to further simplify your Google Sheets integrations:


In addition to basic reading and writing methods, Holysheets!allows you to filter data easily. You can use various filters, such as equals, contains, startsWith, endsWith, among others, to find exactly what you need in your sheets.

With all these features at your disposal, [Holysheets!(https://holy-sheets.github.io/) is the perfect choice to simplify your Google Sheets integrations. Try it today and see how Holysheets!can enhance your productivity and efficiency in data management! šŸ“ŠāœØ

šŸ§° Tools and Technologies

  • TypeScript
  • Google Sheets API
  • Node.js
  • Backend
  • NPM